Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Can't Help But Smile

It is disGUSTing (get it?gust ... Wind? Eh?) Outside. Simply miserable...like my hair right now.

(I was writing this on my phone but only just uploaded it um well meow)

I'm on the silent, pleasant, slightly muggy bus that takes me to and from work everyday.

I live for this bus. If this bus was a dude I'd be a stage 5 clinger. I need to know where it is at all times, I literally chase it and man do I ride it hard. Ha. Had to. My apologies.

Anyway, even though it is much less than pleasurable outside I have a warm heart.

Funny things happened today. Things that were silly and simple and splendid...simply splendid surprises. Sorry. That's the copy writer in me.

First thing was when my umbrella blew inside out, 5 times, as I walked to work. I couldn't stop laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. My socks had fallen inside my boots, my hair clung to my face and my hood blew off. I felt comical.

Second thing that made my heart jump and brought a stupid grin to my face was when I was on my walk. I do a lap to Safeco daily.
So some tall dark and handsome thing came out of the parking garage. I was all in the zone listening to Calvin Harris when we caught eyes. I got embarrassed like I was awkward and in 7th grade again (now I'm just awkward). But something in me made me look back up and smile catch his green eyes for a lingering moment, quick enough to bite my lip a bit (nervous habit) and walk on. That gave me a surge of confidence. Whether I looked like an idiot or not I dont care because Id like to stay ignorant and think I was a touch sexy.

Last but not least was just a bit ago I was waiting for my bus out of the rain in the entrance of a parking garage. The entire entry way is glass, I like it bc then I can see my bus coming. I was stretching out my hamstrings in a lunge when I was reminded how glass works. You can see through it...meaning I can see out and people can see in. I had forgotten the second part and this guy, pretty cute I might add, imitated my lunge. It took me a second to figure out wtf he was doing but when I did I stood straight up and glared. Then dropped my scowl into a smile. I mean it really was funny. He walked off looking back waving as we both cracked up.

Completely stupid small things bright light to my day. I'm glad to say I can recognize those things now. I can appreciate those things now. And I ask you...what made your day today?

There was so much cheese in that question you could make a mean quesadilla.

BTW All these pictures were taken on my way to or from work. You just have to stop and look for the beauty in things. It's not hard if your heart and mind are open.

<3 Kris.