Sunday, July 11, 2010

Watching the World Cup

This morning I ran an errand for my madre then headed to Gold's Gym to get a quick work out in. I have been working there since I got home and am enjoying it ... plus I get a free membership! I work Monday through Wednesday 2-7. Then head to my internship at KIRO Newstalk Radio ( until 11 pm after my work shift M and T nights! Wed I only work at the gym. Thursday and Friday I get more hours at the station working 2-6.

Writing for radio is difficult and I will just have to keep at it and taking criticism from the anchors and reporters on my work. Even though I had heard it a bazillion times ... I have to take initiative with my internship and work as hard and quickly as possible. My hand was not held in college and in the real world I don't even get a high five haha Basically what I have learned to do is to check all the news sites avaliable in the Seattle NW area, cut up sound bites from our news partner King 5, conduct interviews and answer the phone! Woo. Every mistake I make I learn from and since I am paying (well Granny your generosity is paying for it) for this out of pocket every time I am there it really counts!

I don't really do much outside of work, intern, work out and read/watch the news but I like having a semi structured productive life style! I do have Saturdays off and am trying to visit Seattle with friends as often as I can.

I still have to talk to mom/steven/you guys about coming down at the end of the month but shoot dang I am so excited! Being back with you all in that HEAT and sunshine will be a great way to graduate officially.

I love you all so very much. And miss you too.

After I write this I'll head downstairs and watch the game with my mum GO NETHERLANDS!!!

Two weekends ago I did have a life and went to Oregon to visit my boy friend Tim and a good long time friend of mine Brit. We played volleyball together and have had a long distance friendship since she graduated from Bothell and headed to Portland. She will be leaving for two years for the Peace Corps at the end of September!

(I'll always try to put a little something fun in here at the end of my posts...just fyi!)

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