Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Gym

Most of my shift at work is during the dull part of the day until everyone gets off work at 5...so I have time to people watch and have my mind drift a little bit. I've noticed that there is quite a variety at Golds. There are the hot moms and dads you wouldn't think have kids until they come out of the daycare with three screaming children and newly colored pictures. There are the body builders that have their certain machine they always use and their outfits that they always wear. There are the shy high school boys that will in a year be twice the size they are now thanks to puberty. And there are the young couples that always come in together ... I envy them. I wish I was close enough to my boy friend to be able to tell the other one to get off the couch and come lift with me.

I have also learned that people are incredibly distrustful and shady. At first I wrote in detail what we watch out for as a staff but that's probably not in my best interest. I'll just say...It's quite sad that I have to constantly be on my toes because everywhere you turn it seems like someone is stealing something.

On the other hand there are those members that make my day. People have been coming to the gym for years now. I am the newbee and they are not exactly always keen on me. But when I do get a nice member it makes me forget about the rude ones. For example I was cleaning the cardio floor and recycled a water bottle that was left on a machine...turns out it the gentleman using it wasn't done! He was this elderly man (wearing a button up short sleeve tee to work out in and socks up to his knees) who looked very confused when he went to the spot he had left his water. I saw this and knew what had happened. I gave him a new water for free. After his work out he came up to me and said I made the mistake of rewarding his forgetfullness by giving him a full new bottle when the one i recycled was almost gone and from home. He winked and waddled out of the gym.

Another funny story is about this elderly Asian man who is very forgetful. I have to say hello and goodbye to every member whether they have head phones in or not ... I said have a good day to the guy as he left and he turned around and waved. I looked up moments later and he was back ... for his coat ... we chatted about the weather and he was gone again. I had dejavu when he came back in a second time forgetting his keys. I was not expecting to see this guy until the next day whenn he came in a third time. I told him if he can't stay away he might as well admit it and he goes I forgot one more thing. At this moment an elderly asian woman comes out of the locker room. He forgot his wife. I told him I wouldn't tell and they left hand in hand both waving goodbye to me.

I'm not sure why I'm writing this but I like to be able to see a glimpse into some people's lives. They all come to Gold's for different reasons and all get some kind of satisfaction there. They choose to be there and I am inspired that day after day they take the time to take care of themselves. As they walk in and when they leave I wonder where they are coming from and where they are going. By looking at me do they know I'm a recent graduate trying desperately to make it into the journalism field? Can they tell that I am head over heels for my boy friend in Oregon? Do they know I have a little brother and two cats at home? No they don't. And I don't know anything about them. But I like wondering what secrets they keep and what their life is like.

I've learned from my job so far that a smile really is contagious.

I am going to go listen to KIRO 97.3 FM now so I know what's going on in the world.

Love you,

1 comment:

  1. this is still an amazing little piece of writing. i hope you keep it up.
