Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Plus Size My Ass

So I'm a product copywriter-which means I write about products-so no not copy RIGHT.

The age range for the clothing and accessories that I cover has changed from infant, toddler, kids and now to tween. Tween is exactly what it sounds like in-be-TWEEN ages. So I cater to the confused, awkward, not grownup yet but are starting to discover their independence girls. It's a WONDERFUL age. When you really think about it this is one of the toughest ages to be. So I'm giving props to my Justin Beiber, cropped smiley face neon tank wearing, eyeshadow over-using ladies.

Ok cool. So getting to my point...

Today I'm writing a sale for 'plus-size' tweens and I'm a bit pissed off-er well, more than that since I'm blogging about it.  

As soon as the higher ups saw the words "plus size" I was told to "not say plus.... (because it's a) sensitive age."

THIS IS THE SHIT that got me started (when I was a tween) hating my body. I was always bigger-no one is really 5'8'' in the 6th grade and I was VERY aware of it. 
The kids made fun of me. 
I had to shop in the grown up sections but it wasn't fun, rather it was shameful.

This "sensitive age" shit won't go away until these girls are in their '50s and don't give a flying fuck anymore. 
How sad. 

The plus-size just means that the clothes are cut wider, not longer (because that just looks frumpy). These styles just give girls the room they need while coming in looks that are trendy. 

But it just pisses me right off that everyone is tip toeing around the fact that they are for "larger girls" "bigger sizes" "husky ladies." 

I talked to the buyer who used to work for Nordstrom and she said in her 25 years there that they NEVER sold plus size, that's just not something they did.

And after checking their website just briefly (so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) I don't see PS on there at for juniors or girls. It's like they saying just because the girls are not petite, not cookie cutter sized that they are not able to shop where all the other girls are. 

THIS is the age when girls start to realize that everyone is different, that body size "matters." They start listening to the media and their peers and make judgements about themselves and their self worth. 

WHO SAYS PLUS SIZE IS OFFENSIVE? That it's an insult? I say fuck you. I wear a size 11 / 13 and that's one of the biggest out there but I'm not fat. I'm me-sized. I eat, I exercise and I'm the weight I'm supposed to be and I can barely fit in most jeans out there which makes me feel like shit. Like I'm less. Like there's something wrong with me.

This is the first time our company is running a plus-size girls event and I am SO happy that we are. The styles we are running look just like all the other tween styles out there, they just come in bigger sizes. I love that we are starting to cater to ALL girls because all girls deserve to look and feel their best no matter what their size.

Props to Khols and JCP for doing this too.

Thanks for reading.

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