Saturday, September 10, 2016

14 Going On 28

16. That’s how old I feel.
No 14.
When I wore my favorite pink GAP tank top to the school dance. I was sweaty due to nerves?
my self-cut bangs stuck to my forehead. Braces. Puka shells. Etnes.
I am the epitome of trying to be.
He asks me to dance. Or was it me?
All I know is we’re front to front, but not face to face. We're going in circles. I’m so out of place.
I do my best to keep my heart in my chest.
It’s happening, I’ve made it.
We part and my heart is elated.
I cross my hands across my chest an involuntary response that shows I’m a mess.
Physical touch, belonging, wanting to be like the rest. 
As we part I am alone. No one could believe what I’ve done. Or him. With her? Really?
My heart sinks. I thought I belonged.

And here I am at 28. Feeling the same feelings I did before I ever went on my first date. Wasn’t I supposed to grow up by now? Where’s my husband, kids, and dog? The house, the job, the regular morning jog?
Here I am, 14 going on 28. Sweaty palms, quiet voice, rapid heart beat. But my head screams.

My need to for love, for family, for loyalty, for belonging is captive inside my head. My actions contradict my thoughts as I sit silently.
I breathe in, I breathe out and then it repeats.

I want to be. I want to be me. I want to believe. I want to see who it is you see. I just want to be me. 

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