Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Easy Quick Fun Craft

Jars Aren't Just for Jam ...

When washing out a jar so I could recycle it I noticed how cool the jar looked when the label was off. I thought "I could do something with that." So I did. And now you can too.

The end result is whatever YOU make it but basically this is what you're going for...

Here's shwat you need to have.

So a clean glass jar (you chose size and shape), puff paint, double sided tape and lastly construction paper (again there are no rules as to what you have to use!).

So side note. I love puff paint. I should make a shirt using puff paint saying that I love puff paint. BELIEVE me...once you've bought those little puffers you will use them OVER and OVER again ... totally worth it. Plus the other craft ideas I'm going to put up later will be using the same materials...because well I'm cheap :)

I got everything from Fred Meyer. The paper is just in their CRAFT (of course) section ... it's supposed to be used to post pictures on...but we are more creative than that.

Here we go:
  1. Take paper and cut it so it'll fit into the jar.
  2. Remove paper and write whatever it is on the paper that you want. Use black sharpie so that you can use the paints to highlight your words and creativity.
  3. Put a piece of double-sided tape on upper left corner then the lower right corner on the front of the paper you'll be using. This is so the paper will stick to the inside of the jar when you put it in there! Be careful when taping once it's in there it's hard to remove and doesn't look right if it's not straight.
  4. Now it's really up to you. Take your puff paint and go for it! The paint gives your jar dimension and texture...this is what makes me like this project so much.
  5. Some ideas for what on earth to put on your jar are :
  • Like the example shown above I made a jar as to why I "heart" my boyfriend. Sweet easy gift.
  • Do something festive ... I did these for Halloween.

  • Or "I'm thankful for ..." on it. Or for Christmas theme a jar that supposedly holds snowmen supplies. Etc.
Tips for writing on the glass:
  • Go slow. Once it's on there it's hard to fully wipe off.
  • Watch your hands. They can get messy.
  • If you are doing words hover when writing don't push too hard.
  • If the writing is too thin you can always go over it after it's dried.
  • Don't press the bottle too hard ... I guess just use your own judgment ... I mean it IS only puff paint.
Thanks for reading. This is my first post ... so tips on how I can make it better would help! I hope I inspired you.

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