Friday, January 28, 2011

7 Things to Make Your Day

1. Smile like you mean it ... because after doing so you will.

I've found that if you smile ...even by yourself.... you either:

  • feel stupid for smiling like a creep by yourself therefore crack up at yourself
  • smile at someone else who then returns the smile therefore making the smile contagious
  • smile at someone else who then doesn't return the smile therefore you glare at nonsmiler therefore making you feel like creep therefore once again cracking yourself up

2. When you wake up turn on music.
When I hear my alarm ... I curse the day coming so soon and ruining my sleep ... roll over ... turn on MTV and jam out. So far it has not failed. Unless there is an infomercial ... then I curse the said infomercial ... change the channel until I find music.

3. Clean.

HA! You are not a cleaner? Oh but yes you are. Cleaning is A productive B healthy and C ... well shoot are those two not enough for you? And I don't mean like yellow gloves get high off the chemicals clean ... I mean reorganize a drawer ... make your bed (WHILE DANCING TO MUSIC YOU WOKE UP TO?! Eh eh?) ... take out the trash. Cleaning is something we are always NEEDING to do and WILL GET TO but shoot when you actually do it ... KUDOS to you.

4. Listen to stand up.

I've got Mitch Hedberg. (thanks youtube)

on CD in my car and on my ipod. I listen to him in the car on my way to work or when coming home after a stressful day at work. (mmm don't you love WORK?) I was riding the bus home the other day and had to change from Mitch to music because I couldn't help but LOL (the one time it's ok to use lol) like a crazy person on the bus.

5. Go on a walk.

Ya every health magazine and news report has told you to do this once or twice PROBABLY BECAUSE IT WORKS! Getting outside your home, your WORK (there it is again), yourself is um well great. Personally, I like looking at the different houses and architecture in my hood. Another plus to this is the EXERCISE you'll get. AND seriously stop and smell the roses. After a rain there's a new smell, if someone just put bark down you'll sniff it into your nostrils, if there's freshly turned dirt it'll be there. You can't get those simple pleasures, stimulate your senses (and glute muscles) INSIDE!

Oh ya and walking allows you to clear your head or to day dream...whichever your brain chooses to do.

6. Compliment someone.

Think that skinny pretty brunette has some killer shoes on and you want them all for yourself and why does she get to have the bod the hair and the BOOTS to ... boot? Instead of envying her and putting yourself down in the process ... tell her how y0u feel. No not that she's a skinny pretty brunette but that you like her shoes.

Everyone likes GETTING compliments but who has the courage to give them? YOU DO! Changing your scowl to a smile (AH-HA SMILING!) will make you feel better. I'm not sure how to put this into words (which is not good since this is a blog) but everytime I go out of my way to make someone feel better AND talk to strangers (sorry mom) it makes me feel empowered and just grand.

7. What the heck ever makes you happy.

Ok not specific but shoot I don't know you. These are all my ideas. Go get your own.

There you have it. These 6 or well 7ish things have honestly helped me brighten my own day.

Thanks for reading,


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