Monday, May 22, 2017

Day Whatever: I Don't Want To Write

So changing habits is apparently hard, uncomfortable, unnatural-did I mention hard? 
I don't want to write right now.
I don't want to write because that means I have to face the things I would much rather avoid with a drink after work or skipping the gym. But there's a little something pushing me to do so, and another little thing pushing me to delete this and continue to avoid.

Random things going through my head:

Weekends fuck my shit up. My gym is about 30 minutes away from my house so I keep telling myself I'll do an in-house workout, look for free yoga courses online or in an app, go on a hike. But what do I actually do? Sleep da fuck in, feel ashamed I slept in (whether I drank the night before or not), kind of doddle around all day until I say it's so nice out I want a margarita and then well you know the rest. Or I work, which takes out most of my A. time and B. energy. 

Monday is continuously the worst day for me. I cling to the relaxation, spontaneity of the weekend on Sunday night until 11:30 - midnight. Trying to avoid the responsibilities that come the next day, the responsibilites I especially don't want to own up to because I "fucked up all weekend." And have to make up for everything. I'm unmotivated, tired, grumpy. Really I feel like my work week doesn't actually start until Tuesday. Monday is usually when I have a resolve to "never" drink, eat, skip a workout, get behind on work, whatever again. 


I feel afraid to go to the gym. That doesn't quite capture it but it's something like a fear. I just really don't want to go but I can't tell you why. It's like being there sounds awful to me and I'd rather just run home and "clean my house" "unpack my boxes" "make a goals list" AKA go home and eat then lay down and watch Netflix with my cat. I know the things I could do to push me to go:

  • Putting my gym clothes on
  • Think about my friends that already went to the gym / will go (I get a weird jealous competitive thing from that, it's stupid but it gets me to go)
  • Remembering how I've never said I really wish I hadn't done that after I go to the gym
  • Remembering that I worked really fucking hard to break my silence and ask for help from you guys and how the more I make this a habit the easier it'll get
  • Sometimes thinking about how uncomfortable in my body I am helps, but right now I just don't care
  • Looking at fit girls on Pintrest / instagram or reading motivational quotes I've saved
  • Reminding myself that every decision I make can get me closer to my goals or further
  • Remembering how much happier I am when I go in general and especially when I go when I'm in a mood like this
I'm pretty black and white. I had decided before writing this that I wasn't going to the gym and I immediately went in search for the cookies that have been sitting out since Friday at work. I grabbed some pretzel chips I wasn't that hungry for. I started convincing myself that just one happy hour drink would be fine. 

Shame. I think it all just comes down to shame. I want to run away from the feelings that I have now, which I can't even really pinpoint. If it is a fear of going to the gym or what the lack of wanting to go even means. Even writing now I don't feel I've captured whatever is going on with me, but I know not knowing is pushing me to find something to make it go away. But most of my coping skills or quick fixes just feed my bad habits and will make it harder to go next time, and the next time. 

Social anxiety. I keep saying I'm lonely and I don't have a support system. Which is true-ish. However when I think about reaching out to those of who you have said you're there for me, there's more fear. I only feel really comfortable and like myself around about 3 people so I keep talking to them and hanging out with them. I guess I feel like I'm stuck in that department. Plus two of those people that I feel comfortable around don't even live here haha

So to keep in theme with my other posts...

Meal plan have so far stuck to. Lies. Damn it embarrassment. I purged the chips I grabbed. BUT other than that I have stuck to my plan and did avoid those cookies all damn day.

I really have no idea if I'll go to the gym. I DO need to clean my apartment and get on top of things. I guess that would be the compromise. I'd have to actually get on top of my shit at home if I skipped out. But making my space a home is definitely something that will help my overall well being and stop making me feel like I'm drowning. 

Okay I'm rambling. I'm out. Thanks for reading friends. 

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