Saturday, June 9, 2012

Rants. No Raves. Just Rants.

I am incredibly jealous and bitter. And I don’t like it.
But wah I can’t help it.
Por ejemplo.
Today I worked 7:15 am to 4 pm. My coworker worked 8:15 to 4 pm. Hmmm that doesn’t make sense does it? I did like 25% more than I usually do AND made edits to live events which took about 45 minutes out of my day.
So I’m mad that I didn’t get to show up late or leave early.
I’m also butt hurt that I’m making the live edits so someone else can enjoy their weekend instead of have to work remotely from home. I AM SUCH A MEAN PERSON.
I’m also pissed off that even though I said I could work my other job Sunday / Monday that doesn’t mean I WANT TO WORK ALL DAY EACH DAY. Meaning I have no weekend. Meaning I am tired. Meaning I am being a bratty brat brat.
Hm what else can I complain about?
Oh I’m jealous of everyone I see on facebook that ‘ has it all together. ‘ The ones who have found love, their other half, their best friend. I’m jealous that they can put up pictures of their rings and their stereotypical, yet always so fucking adorable, holding hands picture in the sunset. Or playing with their damn dog. I don’t even really like dogs but it just makes the picture that much sweeter. SO SCREW YOU NOT SINGLE PEOPLE (I can’t think of the word for not single.) and your damn happiness and giddiness and movie nights in and texts saying “I love you” just because you can. Really you should feel awful that somehow I am still single and no where near finding that shpecial shomeone. I mean, come on, I’m SOFUCKINGCHARMING.
I wish I could read my blog posts aloud to you all so you knew the incredible amount of sarcasm I’m using currently.
I’m also jealous of people who travel. How can they do that? Just pick up and go? Aren’t they scared? So I’ll just sit here at my little laptop and whine about how cool they are and how much I wish I was like them but will never be. Because THAT’S productive.
Lastly, am very bitter when it comes to jobs and money. I want more money so I’m not just making ends meet. I want to travel for my position. I want to see and be seen. I want to interact with clients and have lunches paid for. I want to stay in a hotel FO FREE and get to check ‘business’ when booking a flight. Why don’t I have this? Why has it not been handed to me? Goddamnit.
So, as always, there’s something to be learned here.
I worked harder than my coworker therefore benefiting myself and my team and the company. So HOORAH! I don’t think you’re supposed to say this but I hope karma gets me for this one.

I DON’T WANT TO GET MARRIED OR HAVE A DOG OR KISSY PICTURES. Like in reality I really don’t. Not now. I do want to find that tall dark and handsome man that will make me feel unlike anything I’ve ever felt before and that will love me for me and all of me…but I’m so weird and uh so totally Kristin that I don’t see that happening. And like I said. I don’t really like dogs.
I can totally travel just like anyone else if I swallow my fear. If I use my energy towards being proactive and not being jealous that’ll probably get tickets in my hands faster than sulking. God I sound like my mother.
I have a great job. I like my job. We have so much freedom and are able to use our creativity. Plus I can make my own schedule. Plus everyone I work with is awesome. Plus I write about tutus and glitter for goodness sakes. AND why not perfect my skills here and be thankful for what I have instead of daydreaming about what could be? God has a plan and a path and I just need to be open to it.

Now it’s this bitch's naptime.

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