Saturday, June 30, 2012

"Learning is a life long process. You are never too old to learn."

"Learning is a life long process. You are never too old to learn."

I don't know who said that, but I googled learning quotes and baddabingbaddaboom. Zer you go.

Once out of school the tests are over, the studying ceases and never again will you have to have the agonizing choice of "is it C or D? Damn. C. It's always C."

HA ya right. I learn all the time. School was just helping you get ready for the rest of your life. 

I hope everyone can tell when I'm being sarcastic by now. If not I AM BEING SARCASTIC RIGHT NOW. 

To prove my point, that even though I am no longer in school, I am still a bright bulb, here is what I learned in my short jaunt to work this morning.

  1. Put deoterant on AFTER you put on a dark shirt.
  2. Always bring an umbrella. NO MATTER IF IT'S SUNNY. You live in Seattle. It WILL rain on you.
  3. "Slippery when wet," is a real warning, not just a funny sexual inudeno.
    1. No, really, the ground is slippery when wet, you need to not run down wet hills.
      1. YOU WILL FALL.
  4. When you have headphones on no one can hear the music you are dancing to, instead you just look like you have to pee.
  5. Make sure your button-up shirt is buttoned ENTIRELY before leaving the house. This will save the nice, elderly woman from having to tell you she can see your bra--and so can the rest of the bus.
  6. I need to always make sure my shoes have some sort of traction on the bottoms.
    1. YOU WILL FALL otherwise.
  7. If the shoes hurt your feet when you put them on, they will keep hurting, so don't buy them.
  8. No matter how much I work out, after two flights of stairs I will always be breathless.
  9. Make sure your backpack is zipped up before leaving the house, not when you see your lunch rolling in front of you.
  10. You have a lot to learn Kristin.

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