Sunday, September 1, 2013


I realized the only time I deal with what I'm feeling is when I write in here because otherwise I just avoid it by watching Friday Night Lights or bingeing or both.

I was doing well for four days. Feeling like I had really changed. Was on the right track when. BAM. Friday night I did it. And so Saturday I tried not to but my anti puking skills were down from the day before so I just lost control again.

I was just standing in the aisles of QFC trying to find the latest and greatest food to eat. Since none of the other ones, even my best go-tos cut it anymore.

I got home and forced down three boxes of cereal. Ended up with a massive headache and didn't get out of bed until 8 PM.

This is kicking my ass.

But it's so hard to pul out of this when I'm in it.

It's a cylce. I've typed that so many times and even now, as I type out how much it sucks, just talking about it makes me want to do it. Again.

It makes no sense!

I feel ashamed and embarrassed that I was supposed to have a super productive cool weekend by working PAX and going to Bumbershoot and I got so sick I couldn't do either.

I bailed on friends.

I hate myself for doing it but obviously ed just makes itself more important.

Right now I could go wash my sheets, go donate clothes, figure out how the fuck to use Apartment hunt. Paint my nails...and yet eating pancakes is what I'm likely to do.

BUT I have planned to go to an AA meeting tonight with a friend so I can't bail. AND I am planning on working all day tomorrow at PAX and then see Bassnectar after.

Not all will be lost to this. I can pull out of this. I have in the past and I will now.

1 comment:

  1. I had a binge-y weekend too. Ate a bunch of stuff I'm supposed to avoid. Did the "last supper" kind of thing, but I'll bet I eat "bad" stuff again tomorrow since it's a holiday. Working on getting back onto a healthier meal schedule. I let myself indulge on all sorts of stuff on vacation - I was mostly ok with that, until the food frenzy... But I know the responsibility is mine, no one else's. And I know I will do it, even if it takes falling in the hole and getting out a number of times. Sometimes that's what happens when you put one foot in front of the other, instead of staying stuck in the same old place.
