Friday, April 11, 2014

Lights-No This Is NOT About Ellie Goulding.

I cannot stop listening to this song.
Felix Cartel-New Scene CRNKN Remix
Listen to it meow. While reading this. Listen to it loud. And shut your eyes and just let yourself be.
Take a minute for you where nothing else matters but you and this and this moment.
When is the last time you reallly did that? Just took a second?
Ok but don't think about that just do this. Please.

Oh then read my stuff.

Floating out of control
A quiet suffering
Pretty pretenses
Light show
Close my eyes
Fantasy world
My hands are up and I’m throwing myself at the beat
Get this anger out
It is wrong
It is bad
It is scary
Calm melodies
Hands paint the air with grace
Eye to eye
Shallow breath
All I wanted was more
Move effortlessly, simultaneously
Nothing calculated, authentic
Rhythm pumps through my chest
Through my arms
I reach for more
Can’t stop me
Don’t you dare stop me
I’m alive
So much in me
My fantasy is a reality
The beat can’t get too loud
The bass can’t bump harder
Turn it up turn it up
Push this out
Make me feel
Erupt, I was freedom
Just feel, just fucking feel
High, I don’t want to stop
Eyes close
My protector, the light bounces
Singular bright white
Up down up down
Side to side
Then it goes and goes
My hands follow it
Twisting turning side to side around my curves
My legs follow
I’m stomping pulsing
More lights ignite
I have power
No longer am I victim
My energies are around me
Grace enters my movements
No thoughts just go
Feeling so outside myself and yet at home
Present real in the moment
And yet I’m imagining this all behind closed eyes
At a coffee shop
Inside my headphones
Jaw clenched
Eyes wet

Heart whole

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