Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Other Day I Went to Seattle

I had the opportunity to venture around downtown Seattle the other day ... yay for public transportation never being on time.

So my writer/reporter/blogger intuition kicked in and I was like I'm going to take pictures of cool stuff I see. And while walking up and down Pike Street I did just that.

But sadly I am not as artsy fartsy as I think I am. I do not think my pictures alone do justice to what I was feeling, seeing, sensing, touching, and yes ... tasting while hoofing it up and down Pike. So we're going to add a little somethin somethin to this post.


I had these bad boys on

And as I get this great photojournalism/photoblogging idea I hear trumpets and epicness that is "All of the Lights" - Kanye West etc in my headphones.

"...Want you to see everything ... want you to see all of the lights..." BASS DROP (ha)

"Fast cars ... shooting stars"

Even though it was not nighttime yet the city is always filled with lights to me.

Seattle retains an aura of mystery excitement possibilities.

Lights can stand for a ton of different things ... and as I listened to the lyrics lights become material things ...

Lights become synonyms to words like showy posh stature ...

Lights become architecture and nostalgia ...

Cop lights, flash lights, spot lights

Strobe lights, street lights

All of the lights, all of the lights

Kid Cudi comes in and reminds me ...

Get it right, aye
You should go and get your own

Right now in this moment in this magical city I am no one ... I am small ... whether I am there or not doesn't really seem to matter ... but I realized that I am a small piece of the city.

When I am put together with the rest of the movement ...

locals ...

city accents ...

atmosphere ...

the constants ...

I help make the city.

"If you want it you can get it for the rest of your life."
"If you want it you can get it for the rest of your life."

My strides up and down Pike take me on my own adventure / realization ... and I wonder how many others have crossed this same path and been so inspired? Been demoralized? Been overjoyed? Who has walked these streets and where are they now?

Then to further my random thoughts my brain goes "Who are you? Where are you now? This is it Kris ... right now in this moment you are who you are and living your life. There is no more waiting ... no more planning ... no epic moment to set you on your right path ... you're already on it. Take it...grab it...hold onto it and go."

My bus shows up and the song finished (yes I had it on repeat haha)

Turn up the lights in here, baby
extra bright, I want y’all to see this
turn up the lights in here, baby
you know what I need, want you to see everything
want you to see all of the lights

As always thanks for reading <3 Kris.


  1. I wish they had something where you could play the song on the blog... Sweet post though. :o)

  2. I finally just figured out how to do that haha Before when I put in a link it wouldn't pop up with the video but rather just the link.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

  3. Nice post Kris! Your photos are excellent. (ps the captcha code I'm entering in weedicka) lol
