Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Acceptance is Seeing with Your Heart.

In the kindergarten room at church there is a sign with a puppy dog wearing heart shaped glasses ... because well what ELSE would a dog wear? regular shaped glasses? I think not! Anyway ... so under neath this adorable K9 are the words.

Acceptance is seeing with your heart not with your eyes.

I read and reread that line over and over again.
Ya I understood it but did I really UNDERSTAND IT you know?

After working Pridefest this weekend I saw a TON with my EYES.
Did you know that you're allowed to walk around completely in your birthday suit as long as you have body paint on? I did not or else I TOTALLY would have changed my outfit. (I wish I could narrate my posts and let you HEAR my sarcasm...hopefully you've caught on by now). So I saw a ton of pasties and um a couple of penises and beautiful men in heels and chains and boas and women wearing mustaches and wings and just whatever they wanted to!

So yes I SAW somethings but I also in turn ... saw with my heart ... like the little Wishbone of a puppy in the poster wanted me to.

I saw families dressed in gothic attire, plaids, feathers, and pink mohawks waiting in line at the Ferris wheel. Mom and mom were taking turns entertaining their little 4 year old girl ... also dressed in goth ... never seen a cuter kid in a skull shirt.

Then there was the single older and rather attractive dad (with graying mowhawk)and his son. Little guy had freckles and blonde curls and a mouth on him ... poor thing bawled all the way around the miniature Ferris wheel.

What I'm getting at is that love is not tangible, neither is faith, but you know it's there.

I could see with my eyes that these families were not conventional but with my heart I knew that there was love. With my heart I had a deeper understanding of their lives are and what love really is.

That passion you can have for someone else. The involuntary butterflies in your stomach. The literal heart wrenching pain when you miss someone so much it hurts ... all of that is from an emotion, feeling you cannot describe or see BUT IT'S THERE.

I already believed in equal rights and that you should be able to legally marry whoever you like but after seeing the love that two people of the same sex can have for one another I REALLY wanted to write about. Just to be like I UNDERSTAND!

There are so many unhappy straight people that are married and why should they have the benefits and the title and the wedding when others who are in love can't?!

I don't know my politics so forgive me but when I saw the love caring passion happiness that every couple had for each other there this weekend I got a deeper understanding of what love can be and what it can do for you.

Love you cannot see or hold or throw or take away it's there whether you like it or not.

Just like God or whoever your higher power is is there. On those days when you think this really sucks ... when you take disappointment after disappointment ... or when everything seems to be clicking God is there.

I hope this sparks something in you.
Makes you think.
Helps to make you feel less alone.
Or something.
Just felt like writing. Sorry for the sporadicness.

<3 Kris.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this! What can I say... when you love something you just do! ;o) I couldn't have said it better myself. I have seen the love you posted about and completely agree that there are so many divorced, unhappy straight people that had the opportunity to be married, what right does anyone have to object to same sex couples! You said it girl!
