Monday, May 12, 2014

Day One of Having A Life

So today is the day that my life starts.

I say this because it's the healthiest I've been with the least amount of things to do.
It's the closest to actually getting to have a life and see what it is people, you 'normal' people do.

You muggles (hehe) that don't have to go to treatment after work and that don't exhaust yourself or are enslaved in addiction.

Here's what I did today:

I was 15 minutes late to work.
I was pretty stressed out all day trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life.
I took the time to go on walks, get coffee, talk to my boyfriend (who got a great new job! I'm so proud of him) and keep in touch with girls in treatment.
I fought ED on eating too much and too little and his thoughts on my exercise (and lack thereof).

I raced home after finishing almost on time (left 15 minutes late) and brushed my cat.
I don't understand how she has so much fur.
I cleaned a bit.
I ate dinner-on my own-all of it-while missing my girls in treatment.
I then helped my landlord in the yard and learned more about her and how much I hate mulching in the process.
I got to spend an hour outside and get money off my rent.
I then fought ED again on my lack of going to the gym.
Picked myself up and got a pintrest recipe for sweet potatoes and bacon and brussel sprouts to attempt to cook tomorrow.
I then went to the grocery store where I realized I forgot my phone with said pintrest recipe on it.
Then ran into my neighbor across from me who sympathized with how much it sucks to live under the ass upstairs. Then we talked about food allergies. Then i told him I am a bulimic and he said he never heard me throwing up-I believe him. I told him I never heard his chanting or smelled his incense.

When I got home I smelled his incense haha

Now I'm writing you this.

I am so at ease.
I feel so free.
It was hard work being a 'normal' person today.
But I think I shall try it tomorrow.
I rather liked it.

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