Saturday, March 19, 2011

Chicken in a Quicken in da Kitchen

I got this recipe from DotFit...

In the end it looks like this...

But before that you have to get this...

Pick up:

  • 4-5 ounce chicken breasts
  • 2 cups sliced mushrooms (or slice em yourself you lazy)
  • 1 cup sliced zucchini
  • I added squash (because I like squash)
  • 1 cup light Italian dressing (orrr you could not have an entire cup of that stuff and improvise by adding 1/4 cup lemon juice and a bit of olive oil)

PREHEAT THE OVEN to 4 fifty degrees (450)

NOW take the chicken breasts and put them each on their own individual pieces of foil (12 X 18 inches).

DIVIDE the veggies accordingly (my mom doesn't like squash so I got it all...score)then pour the dressing over chicken and vegetables.

SEAL the goodies in by taking both side sides making it like a tent. Fold the top and bottom over onto themselves so there is enough room for ventilation.

STICK THOSE BABIES IN THE OVEN...for 20 minutes or so.

Make sure your chicken is FULLY COOKED by jabbing it with a meat thermometer (it will be fully cooked and good to eat at 165 degrees)

OPEN the foil CAREFULLY ... it will be hot n steamy and you will burn yourself if you use your me.

Hopefully it looks something like the above ... or who knows maybe you're better than me and it looks even more delectable.

This is what happens when your mom uses your knew camera phone.

Great success.

Next time I'm going to marinade the chicken in the dressing for a while THEN cook wasn't as flavorful as I was hoping but the chicken was juicy :)

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  1. sounds tastylicious! i'll have to try it! :)

  2. Thanks lady!
    Make sure to marinade it in the I-talian dressing...more flavor that way :)
