Sunday, March 27, 2011

What I Learned in Church Today

This is the Third Sunday in Lent.
Oh BTW I gave up artificial sugar...aka not using Splenda or having diet sodas.
I have had a successful time for the most part. Since I gave it up I've had like 10 splenda packets (I caved a couple times at work when I wanted tea) and ONE Pepsi Max. The Pepsi Max actually gave me a caffeine boost yesterday ... weird how when I was drinking like 4 diet sodas a day I never noticed.

So today I did NOT get church. The sermon was over, past, through my head haha But the coolest thing did happen...

I went to the 9 am service which was pizzacked compared to 11. And it was so cool because there was a BAND! I was like I need to come earlier more often. But their presence had nothing to do with time ... I guess they come every 3 months or so! And there usually is a band but these guys were could tell they were real performers you know? Man I feel just awful for saying all of this because the USUAL people that sing and play for the church are great too. Ah. Anyway.

I don't sing.
In public.
Only in my car. Usually ALONE.
I have HATED and I mean strong dislike singing at church ... like NOT EVEN CHRISTMAS CAROLS. Ya ... believe it.
But today during the welcome I started singing...I didn't even realize it...and I started to tear up.
It was a freeing feeling. I didn't care. The fact that I suck at singing...that I was standing alone in the pew surrounded by couples and families...that I wasn't sure of the tune...didn't matter. I just automatically joined in.
These realizations or findings or little miracles I keep experiencing as I let God in my life are well AWESOME. It's a slow but constant learning process .. "it" meaning understanding who I am and who I'm becoming. I don't remember how I used to see my life exactly but there was a lot of anger, insecurities, days of unshakable loneliness. I don't feel that way anymore. I am realizing that I have a choice and I am choosing to ACT on life not react to it.

BTW This was taken when I was at Ocean Shores yesterday. I did a promo for ESPN radio with The Groz.
It was a nice way to break up a day of work.
The sunset and ocean are so powerful and in an instant humbled me. Mother nature is so beautiful, powerful and serene (well in this case I guess!)

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