Thursday, March 24, 2011

Vegetable Ragout...ish

So 2 points for me for cooking something new (ish) this week. I actually have made this recipe before ... or so I thought ... until I realized the stinkin magazine SELF called the recipe the same thing and CHANGED EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. So I lose two points for not actually reading the recipe before agreeing to cook dinner for everyone.

WHOOPS. It's all in a days work though.

So Vegetable Ragout.

Here's what it looks like in the end.

But first things first. You've got to get:
-1/2 cup of Low-sodium vegetable broth
-1/2 cup of water (easypeasy)
-2 cups of spinach
-1 cup chopped tomatoes...tomato?
-1 cup canned chickpeas (RINSE AND DRAINED! Otherwise it's all um slimy...yes I was a journalism student and yes that's the best adjective I can think of)

-1/2 cup frozen peas

(I took this just so I can say my dad's favorite joke..."I pead on the floor" HA)

-1 crushed garlic clove

ORRR You can cheat and use a half a teaspoon of this shtuff...haha look at my EYE...creep.


Simmer the liquids for a bit and add all the other ingredients a short time after the chicken broth and water heat up like so ...

Make sure your pan is big enough .... this one ended up being fine.

But I was annoyed at the fact that I may have to move it. I am so lazy.

Simmer everything for about 20 minutes. This is where things got tricky for me...the magazine calls for it to simmer for 30 but there was so much water accumulating that I had to dump some out and it turned into more of a bunch of ingredients bowling in water than um RAGOUT (I don't even know what that is). So I learned that...if you cook everything for too long the peas turn a funny green color (overcooked) and the spinach is not even spinach anymore (Pop-Eye would be ashamed of how limp and pathetic his veggie is...does that sound dirty? ... anyway)

I served this dish with whole wheat pasta and apple sauce on ze side.
My family agreed that it'd be better with rice (psh THEN THEY MAKE DINNER NEXT TIME)...and actually I agree as well.

But it was super easy and healthy and cheap! ... sounds like I'm describing myself haha Wow I just think I'm too funny tonight.

Anyway an extra treat for you is's my cat Buster. He just turned 9. Poor thing had gone to the vet today and was super drugged up and I took advantage of his ridiculousness.


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Thanks for reading. It's bedtime. Kris.

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