Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Like a Bowl Full of Jelly.

"He had a broad face and a little round belly, that shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly."

Oh Santa.

Anyway I just really wanted to title this post that so HA. Anyway...

Today at work (I'm a receptionist) I decided to have a can of Sprite Zero. I have had ONE diet soda since I gave the crap up for Lent ... however long ago that was ... making this bubbly beverage my second.

I'm not very lady like in terms of my manners (sorry guys ... and Grandma). However, I was trying to be, considering I met the women I work with a week ago and that my "office" is gigantic lobby with amazing echo capabilities.

Never the less
when asked if I wouldn't mind going to the copier I replied with a BELCH (oh that word is so graphic sounding but so appropriate).


Followed by laughter. The kind of laughter that is timid at first until you see others laughing too ... which just encourages it to become a part of your entire body. The kind that leaves a smile permanently on your face. The kind that after a minute you forget why you were laughing but you can't stop. The kind that fills your body up with undeniable happiness making you forget your problems, living just in that moment of joy. The kind that makes you sigh at the end, still smiling to yourself.

I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard. Nor did I realize how foreign that feeling had become to me. It's not like I'm insanely depressed or anything ... it just felt so good to have such a genuine reaction to was such an innocent involuntary action.

And it doesn't stop there.

My mom sent me this picture after the Sprite Zero incident.

Her text read "Our Bromeliad's blossom is hatching."
I replied "it looks like a weewee."
I burst out laughing once again. My maturity in terms of certain things is lacking (again sorry guys and Grandma).
The fact that it kind of sort of looks like a penis and that I typed the word "weewee" (and YES I am laughing now typing this) made me crack up.
Again in voluntarily for the most part and uncontrollably.
I called my mom and we cracked up at our ridiculousness for a minute or two ... I composed myself and went back to work.

Something so stupid and so simple brought momentary happiness and simplicity to both our lives. Laughter is so powerful.

An hour after this I our reception phone rang.
A guy was lost trying to find our building.
I suck at directions ... so I gladly helped him.
While on the phone he told me that he had already missed the exit once, was late for an important meeting and had spilled his coffee on himself in the process of trying to find us.
And he was cracking up the entire time.
Me-"Do you see the Subway and Starbucks?"
Him-"I am sitting at a light...I think there's a movie wait that's a I'm driving...I just passed 112th on my left is that right? .... I swear I was just here...oh wait I'm about to drive on the wrong side of the road...."


He finally found the building (after getting turned around yet again in the parking garage). Instead of being a huge jerk to me (which after my awful directions he totally could be justified in doing) he wrote me a kudos card. He said he'd never enjoyed being lost before. He had an infectious smile and a laugh to go with it.

This stranger, myself and my coworker (all of whom are pretty much strangers) were able to share in this simple moment because we all could laugh at ourselves.

The gentleman was so lighthearted, kind, easygoing despite everything he had just gone through...I decided today that's an incredibly attractive and good trait to have.

Anyway I think you see what I'm getting at.

"Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." - Victor Borge

And today it was my best medicine. Hope this made you smile too.


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