Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Recap.

I don't know about you but when I wake up in the morning on a day like this ... there is excitement ... expectations ... a bit of tension in the air.

Mothers' Day 2011=GREAT SUCCESS.

This morning I went to the gym to run off my I'MABITCHCRANKYCRABMEANGIRLINTHEMORNING mood. YAY endorphins!

(I also asked God to give me inspiration throughout today. I asked Him to help me focus on others and remove any dishonest, self-pitying or self-seeking motives from my thoughts. Which is what I ask for everyday but today is especially important.)

My mom had a list of what she wanted for breakfast.
Orange sweet rolls, cheesy scrambled eggs, sausage, coffee, fruit salad.
This is my nightmare.

Having yummy smelling tasting looking fatty food in front of my face is really just torture. My mind goes from "have some-no don't-but it's just this once-but then you'll feel bad-but you did work out-you can work out again-or just be normal-you're not normal" ETC

So I ended up deciding to make my own breakfast. That remorse and self condemnation I experienced after my last binge was less appetizing than the sweet rolls in front of me. ANYWAY.

My dad had to work the M's game so before he left I gave my mom her present.
Everyone knows that moms LOVE hand made stuff.
SCORE.'s a tip jar for those of you who can't read my amazing puffpaint words.
"Where's my tip?!" is my mom's favorite saying.

Next came VHS HOME VIDEOS ...

Highlight of the video = my mom rambling on about 8 month old Steven behind the camera lens, "Yesterday I turned my back for two seconds and he was drinking out of the cat's water."

Equally entertaining was my mom telling 2 year old me to curtsey. I go into a deep squat and pull up my dress.

Then we take a break from each other for an hour because well we're The Wilhelmy's not the Brady Bunch.


Molback's for those of you who aren't cool enough to know ... is an amazing gardening store ...

We went there today to find a plant that Steven and my mom could plant and one my mom and I could plant. AW! But no. It's never that easy in this family...

After some debating they found a winner...Jupiter's Beard...

After many distractions...

I found mine ... Just Joey Roses...

So fast forward to being back home and making dinner courtesy of me :)

Everyone was satisfied.

Mother's Day = GREAT SUCCESS.

Reflecting on today leaves me with nothing else to say other than I'm blessed.

ANNNNNNDDD. Eh that's it really. I don't have a big epiphany to share. I can say it's FANTASTICLYGREAT to know that I'm capable of forgetting that I have an eating disorder, I have a BA in Journalism and yet I'm a part time receptionist, I'm flat broke and I'm single.

Wow. It took some thought to think of depressing things about my life. Which aren't even that depressing. Talk about PROGRESS.

Anyway. I'll leave you with this...these waltzed into my building on Friday.

They are absolutely gorgeous.
And the mom who picked them up was absolutely beaming.
And it ABSOLUTELY blows my mind that I have friends who are moms and that one day ... hopefully ... I'll be one too :)


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