Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What I Learned in Church 2 Days Ago

I learned that I should BE-hold BE-loved BE-Presbyterian (still can’t spell it first try) BE-FRIEND and BE-cause.

BEFRIEND was in all caps because that was the big winner this Sunday.

Winner … reminds me of wiener hahaha Oh maturity.

So let’s set the stage: I am in church with my mom. YAY MOM! I was so happy to have her join me this Sunday. So mom and me … me and mom … mom and I (ha there’s the journalism degree kickin in) came in to church last minute because we both had to pee beforehand (it’s a girl thing). We go in sit down and yay church right? I’m ready to go … I haven’t been in this wonderful place in three weeks! I’ve got my pen out ready to write and learn and listen to God and relay the message to you all and I hear …

Helga (think Hey Arnold!) like breathing in my ear…Shoot I even felt it on me…surrounding me…ANNOYING ME. I whip my head around (because I have no tact) and glare at the loud graphic breather.

It’s a 10-year-old girl.

Man I’m a bitch. Great. Poor thing can’t breathe and I can’t peacefully have my much needed church time.
We have the Call to Worship and Singing Praise all the while this girl is annoying the heck out of me … a few more glances back I find that she is not alone.. she has a 7? Year-old brother who doesn’t know what an “inside voice” is yet and another 13? Year-old sister who I think is allergic to the world. And right in the middle is dad. I know this because he just became a member of the church and got to go up there with him and his noisy band of kids to be honored. GREAT. Now I’m a reallllll meanie head if I say anything.

As I try to ignore the son kicking my pew (hahahaha that sounds funny) I listen to the sermon.

The main theme of my lesson this Sunday is that I realized I want church and God to solve my problems. I have now discovered him and I want Him to make my life better. So please Lord, if you could, get me a job that pays well enough, in a place I like, with people I get along with, where I can make a difference oh and that has a view…that’d be great too. Oh and while you’re at it can you just let me forget all my insecurities I have about myself, my body and food? Just let me be normal.

Thanks. No really from the bottom of my heart…thank you.

Easy peasy right? (WHY did I say that? I never say that…anyway)

I wanted the sermon to be about me, to relate to my life exactly and show me the answer. I started thinking God you are really great at hitting me on the head with the important stuff in church so go ahead and do it. Hmmm umm none of what Pastor Paul is saying relates to me hmm I guess this time we just missed each other.


God came through. He had me realize that this is exactly my thought process and how wrong I am to think that I’m the only messed up person in this church. These people that sit next to me every Sunday and those who go to church around the world and those who don’t ALL NEED HELP TOO. They are not perfect and go to church because they are so perfect they go because they need reminders that IF WE REPENT AND ASK FOR MERCY FOR FORGIVENESS HE WILL RESTORE US! He will cleanse us, sustain us, he never leaves us.

We are all human, we are one, and we are all flawed. Is it sad that that fact comforts me?

All he requires of us is to live in His light, to walk humbly with Him and do our best to do what He wants.

And one of those things that he wants is to us to BEFRIEND those in need. I was so stuck on myself thinking boohoo my life is not so grand (more to come on WHY that is later) and that I need a friend. I need a break. I need someone to hold me and to tell me it’s going to be ok. But no we have to befriend the friendless.
There are people in worse situations than I. There are people that need someone to hold them and tell them it’s going to be ok and that they are not alone. And IF I DO THAT I IN TURN GET A FRIEND.

It’s not a one-way road! You can’t hug someone without getting one back (ok well you can and man are those situations awkward and uncomfortable) but I think you get what I’m saying.

It’s so simple, I have gotten in the way once again of Him and what’s best for me. My brizzzzzain has done too much thinking. I’ve tried so hard to be perfect, to work on making myself a better, healthier, employed person that I’ve just overworked it.
I need to sit back and do God’s wishes … I need to focus on helping others which will in turn help myself … get myself outside of my head.

Oh really I love writing these, they make everything make sense, until I go back and reread what I wrote about 3432.3 times and think WTF was I thinking? Is anyone going to understand this? Haha But I like this calming slash excited effect writing gives me.

Anyway. That’s it. So tomorrow if you see someone in need (it may just be getting a door for someone or letting someone sit in your seat on the bus) just help them out. Be a friend.

What is this Sesame Street? Ok but seriously...just do it...like Nike. This is getting old. Not sure how to end this ok bye.

<3 Kris.


  1. I love your posts! You are so funny and honest. It's super-refreshing and I wish more people wrote like you. Glad your posts make you feel better because they make ME feel better reading them too!

  2. Thank you, thank you and THANK YOU! I like positive feedback (OBVIOUSLY) and it makes me want to write more and be even MORE honest! yikes.

    Yours always makes me laugh...when I'm at work...when no one knows why I'm laughing.

    I miss you!
