Monday, May 13, 2013

Gooday : Value Village Edition

Hey kids.
So I had a good day.
Such a good day that instead of stuffing my face with muffins and throwing them up (ie last night) I'm blogging.
I saw something at Value Village today that made things click for me:

Lately I've been wanting to stay put.
Moving is too scary.
Moving would mean doing something about how I've been feeling.
Adressing those feelings.
But that's too scary and hard and I'd rather just not.
How have I been feeling? - Long story short I've been feeling FAT (yes fat is not a feeling but well that's the best I can describe it), disgusting, shameful, hateful and just depressed.
I haven't cared if I get better or not. I just wanted to feel better right then so I did behaviors to numb whatever it was that was going on.
But this sign is so right - but I didn't buy it because its like glittery and pink and that's just not me so I'm going to steal this saying and try to Pintrest some shit and do it myself! HA!
Oh yeah ok but this saying was put in that Value Village by my God so I would see it and remember to act, to move, to do.

When I ask for help, when I help others, when I go workout, when I choose to fight against Ed I feel better. When I lay in bed and hide from all my problems I don't feel better.

So here I am DOING. I will show you the sick weird funny twisted slash totally typical parts of my day that made me smile or laugh:

First up is this man's GIANT HAIRY FUCKING MOLE. I have circled it for you.


Then I saw this cat video courtesy of ChaCha

Then there was that wind bullshit that made me feel like I had moved back to Ellensburg. 
Captured a real gem right here.

Ah and now it starts to get good. At said Value Village after "life changing" moment of reading the bike sign I found THIS!

It's the most perfect fanny pack for Sasquatch! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. For only 5 dolla.
And shortly after I got this amazing thing that why would anyone give it away I don't know but I'm happy they did because now it's mine...

 This will also make it to The Gorge for AT LEAST Sasquatch if not Paradiso and maybe even Resolution 2014.

For once this is what my kitchen looks like...the dishes are CLEAN and you can see my sink. Yes.

Also, after having a fight with my old favorite pair of jeggings that use to HANG OFF OF ME and are now like Seran fucking Wrap on my legs, I won. I won because I cut them into bootay shorts that are so not appropriate but they fit my ass like a glove and damn it looks good. 
So the same pants that made me cry (multiple times) are now my favorite pair of festival shorts.

I didn't trust myself to eat dinner alone (since I binged and purged last night) so the BF and I had pho. So now I have lunch for tomorrow. Yes.

Lastly, I ran into my old roomate from college-no not my best pal that I love and respect and have the best time whenever I see her-the other one. The one I KICKED OUT OF MY HOUSE and told him he was WEIRD and TO STOP LARPING AND LIVE IN THE REAL WORLD.
That was an awkward QFC, deli section conversation.
No, I will not be visiting you at your jewelry store downtown.

And that's all.
Thanks for reading.


  1. I love this post! I love that you turned your jeggings into something positive. I've been trying to do that with places lately, I had this park that I hung out at for years smoking and drinking and whatever, and I hadn't been back in sobriety because it had so many memories associated with those behaviors. I decided to take new people there, and make new positive memories.

  2. Ah! Tara that's great. I like that. I would never think of doing that with places. Hopefully I can do the same with Paradiso this year which is where I broke my 6 month sobriety last year. Thanks for reading and for the tip!
