Thursday, May 16, 2013

That Moment When:

Just randomly wrote these down as they came to me.

Add your own or enjoy.

Or shit. Go crazy. Do both.

That moment when:

  • You realize you've been rubbing your eyes but still have mascara on.
  • You find out your underwear is inside out.
  • In the bathroom you go to race out without washing your hands because you're late. But then you realize your co-worker is in there too and looking at you so you try to act like you weren't just about to do what they think you were going to do.
  • You realize you've left your spotify on an embarrassing playlist for an hour.
  • You realize you forgot to say "just kidding" when sending a sarcastic / mean text.
  • You try avoiding a person you assume is homeless that's talking to you and all they wanted were directions.
  • At 12:30 at night when you realize you should have ordered decaf earlier.
  • You realize you replied all to a department wide email when you just wanted to reply.
  • You realize you're not the only one in the bathroom.
  • You see an old acquaintance.
  • You see an old acquaintance and haven't showered in a while.
  • You see an old acquaintance and say goodbye and walk in the same direction as them.
  • In the grocery store you see an old acquittance , say goodbye and see them in the next aisle...then deli section and then in the checkout line.
  • You think it's almost time for lunch and you realize it's only been an hour since breakfast.
  • You're shopping and you notice the girl next to you has the same clothes picked out.
  • You send a ;-) when you definitely meant a :-)
  • You find out your water bottle isn't open - by dumping it on yourself

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