Friday, November 22, 2013

Sexual Tension.

We're on the carpet.
The window shines the morning light on your face.
You roll over, turning your back to it's offensive demeanor.

With the movement your tee inches up to reveal the definition in your back.
My eyes can't help but notice your shoulder's muscular curve.
I want to trace them with my fingers then grab a hold.

My stomach drops and my heart races. 

What would you do if I crawled over to you.
Laid behind you.
If I got close enough to brush your hair with my cheek.
If I breathed behind the spot where your skin is sensitive from lack of touch.
Could I give you goosebumps with my lips while I pull your hair gently.

Would you turn over and grab onto my curves with desire. 
Pull me closer causing me to lift my leg over yours.
How long could I last in this tension that's as intimate as sex before giving in to your parted lips.

Would I close my eyes or keep them open to watch your reaction.
Could I keep from smiling out of the embarrassing intensity of it all.
Would you say anything. 


I would say something stupid.
We'd laugh.

I'd feel my nerves fall away and a flush of excitement come over me. 
A physical craving that shuts off my inhibitions.

So I just move. 
I just do.

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