Thursday, November 28, 2013

Unwanted Memories.

I am relieved I am home.
I want to curl up in a ball, cuddle with my cat, reflect on the night.
I was brave tonight. I didn't leave when my support system did.
I stayed and tried to make small talk and friends.
I drank more to feel comfortable.
I wasn't out of control.
I saw the kid that was so nerdy and so 'in love' with me and then I was embarrassed to talk to him. I was no longer the girl from HS. I was fat. I had no status. I was just me.
I made new friends and one of them drove me home.
I felt safe. I think he wanted more at the end. I didn't.

Now I'm stripping down. Getting ready for bed. Much needed sleep. So much for that workout in the morning.

And all I can think of is him.

He touched what wasn't his.
He ruined something pure.
I hate him.

I can barely move fast enough to pull on my top as though I'd be seen by him but it's impossible.

Still my mind wanders.

What if he walked in?

As my top is off and my breasts are free. What would he do.

I feel this overpowering urge to hit something. To fight back. To protect myself.

There's nothing that I need protecting from.

It's all in my head.

I live in this fear, this constant nightmare of being seen, being used, being innocent.

I wish it never happened.

I wish I knew what intimacy was and how to show love.

I watch movies and tv and get confused as to what is sexy. What is desirable. What do I want...what do they want?

I'm more fucked up than I thought.

Shouldn't love be simple?

One body moves with the other. You don't think you just feel.

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