Thursday, January 10, 2013

25 So Good So Far

GOSHDARNIT. I just scooted up my chair to write and forgot I put my favorite frame on top of my just shattered onto the floor. Damnit.

Well maybe this is a good time to go over the positive things in my life ATM:
  1. My awesome possum coworker sent me a list of all the shows he wants to go to. I really like this guy who we'll call...Eyes...because he is like my show buddy. He loves going to them. Isn't fussy. Doesn't get wasted. And likes to dance.
  2. So to bring me to point number two, thanks to Eyes's list, my little brother and I are going to see Griz
  3. Also because of Eyes I found out about this new (to me new) DJ Listen To Him Here

I didn't realize how many people read my blog / facebook until "random" (as in not within the 5 people I told personally that I'm not drinking) people talk about me not drinking. Bringing me to my 4th good thing...

     4.  My friend showed me this which are different drinks that are not alcoholic. It's just so cool to see how many people support me and care. :)

     5.  Chacha and I are having ____(insert whatever I feel like eating in an hour) food tonight at my place while we watch a movie and he shows me how to use my present (it's a tablet for those of you who have as dirty as mind as I do).
     6.  I found a dollar going into work today

    7.   I slept in for an hour (but worked two hours extra)
So, part of my New Years Resolution and being 25 and because I fucking want to ... er resolution ... is to do something I'm scared to do everyday today that was numero 8 on the positive list.

   8.   I did yoga and zened the fuck out. There is a woman that teaches it in our "gym." I've only done yoga in treatment by the amazing Jamie at Ginning Yogi (can you tell that I just figured out how to link shit?!)  and once at Gold's which isn't very good. I learned new positions and got my coworkers interested in it too!

   9.   I am not hung over from my birthday
  10.  I ate cheesecake yesterday

  11.  I had an entirely veg breakfast and snack and lunch (not in that order) which was a goal of mine.
   12.  I had a really nice conversation with a girl I really admire in program today. I was feeling off since I didn't workout and got a ride home from work (aka no walking exercise aka I'm fat), but she helped calm me down and talk it out. 

I'm just so blessed to have you all support me and to have so man resources for love and hope. Sigh. I'm going to go shower and get ready to watch either Bridesmaids or Anchorman with Chacha.

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