Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pretty Girl

This is something I wrote about my BATTLE! addiction. problem. Um serioushealthissue whatever you want to call it with bulimia and anorexia.

It's the disease talking to me, like a best friend would.

Reviewing it's power over me, the dedication I've made to it and all I've given up in order to keep the bond I have with it.

At the end it leaves me because I have outgrown the relationship.

I'm putting myself out on a limb here but well ... honestly I'm proud I was able to put this cunning seductive sonofabeesting sickness into words.

As always thanks (like a lot) for reading.

You want me to leave?
Girl. Don’t be silly-look at know how much you need me.

I pull back your hair as you can get rid of your despair.

I am your release from your anger and your confusion - close your eyes and give in to this illusion.

It’s all about what’s in front of you -what you see- that’s all you are all you'll ever be.

Shut and lock the door- turn the tv on -then you know you’re doing nothing wrong.

Girl. Breathe in one last time-let me hold onto what is mine.

Give in to your body's reaction - enjoy that pain - I give you instant satisfaction.

Honey...with my embrace so powerful and steady-you can be better than anybody.

Remember this is a talent slowly acquired- and to this you did aspire.

You wished for someone to be there- to rely be near.

With vigor and ignorance you took me whole - but now you want me to free your soul?

Let you go and be at peace? - But girl. You've given me everything.

I have your mind and body-if I let them be-You won’t need me.

FINE. Swallow your doubts and dissatisfaction - Open your eyes to your attraction.

Raise your head wipe away those tears - This body is going to last through the years.

So I’ll let you live and leave you be - I let go of you and you are free-

free of me - your disease.


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