Sunday, April 10, 2011

What I Learned Today (Not in Church)

I did not go to church this morning because I had to work.
I was IN Seattle at 5:45 AM.
We were promoting KIRO NewsTalk Radio 97.3 FM and ESPN radio at the Seahawks 12k Run at the Landing in Renton.

It was actually pretty darn fun. Made my coworker and I want to actually do the run (HA I mean walk...for me at least...I don't think I've ever run that far on purpose).

I got a super cool bright green shirt out of it a ton of free samples. (chocolate milk and breakfast cookies taking the lead)

So I'm going to tell you what I noticed/learned/um thought about yesterday on my walk around my neighborhood.

I chose to NOT listen to music on my walk
(usually this is not the case...I love to listen to techno really loud and act like a model on a runway. True story. If you think I walk funny you now know why)...

So back to the "silent" walk I was on.

I thought I would be bored but as soon as I started I heard well typical...dogs barking,
my neighbor's dirt bike starting up (and dieing...and repeat),
kids SCREECHING or laughing in pure joy!,
the purr of a gorgeous quiet car that I think I want but have no idea what it is called...only that I want it in white :)

then I heard some other things like ... birds. WAIT? Birds? Oh ya it's spring! I had never noticed that the chirping had gone away. It's like when you are so sick and hate life but as soon as you are fine you forget that you're not sick anymore. Like that you're not hating life and you take it for granted...

I heard myself a satisfied...I'm glad I got out of my house and out of my head maybe things aren't so bad...maybe I can define this weather and gloomy cloud permanently over my head.


I have a choice to whether I'm happy or not.
Like my walk. I went on it because I needed to get away from my house away from my thoughts away from my insecurities. And I did.

I chose to get out, I got out, I got better.

So I hope this inspires you to get away from this screen and GO DO. Go throw the football, go walk, go garden something ... because you don't have to be stuck where you are. Unless you like where you are...and in that case GO DO something to help you stay there.

My friend told me once that today is a gift...because it is the present.


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