Friday, April 22, 2011

The Way God Created the Work Week.

So I was reading the above literature.

HAHA no's a great quick read before bed.

And the first story is THE BEGINNING.
It relates to Creation, from Genesis 1.
I think I will finish this book ... yes it is a picture book ... before I move onto anything called Genesis (which yes ... I have no idea what that means).
ANYWAY So ... according to this in the beginning planet earth was empty, boring, blah. However the big man had a plan.

The first day He created light calling it "day" and giving the darkness the name of "night".
The second day He created the sky.
Third day He got busier ... making rivers, seas, beaches (yessssssssss), trees, flowers, trees etc.
The fourth day it was all about space ... He put lights in the sky sun for day and moon and stars for night.
FIFTH day He filled the oceans with whales and itty bitty feeeish (fish..said feeeish) and He put birds in the sky.
THE SIXTH DAY He put animals everywhere everything from furry cute guys to icky snakes. Oh and He made Man.
On the seventh day I think you all know what He did. He said wow I rock and I'm taking a break.

True story.

So as I was reading this...and maybe this is a well known fact or comparison that I wasn't aware of but I'm making it now...I thought hmmm this is our work week.

MONDAY. We get the basics done. Morning. Night. woo.

TUESDAY. There's momentum ... not much fun and flash ... serious business still to be done.

WEDNESDAY. We have fun. We realize HEY I have woken up 3 times for the work week. It's half over! And we create trees and mountains...or we say things like "Happy Hump Day."

THURSDAY. Still means business but we don't really care as much about the fact that we are at work because that glorious day of FRIDAY is almost here. There's still a ton of important things to do this day but we keep it simple because we've got that Friday frame of mind.

FRIDAY. Rolls around and shoot. We are just working with a smile because it is that wonderful day that we have missed since it left last week. We'll throw somethings around and do this and that just trying to finish on time.

SATURDAY. Comes and we are party animals that day (get it? because he made animals that day? EH?). Everyone is together enjoying what was done that week, celebrating their hard work...etc.

SUNDAY. Comes way too fast but boy did we need that break.

Hope you enjoyed this. I'm going to enjoy the sun now.


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