Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Always A Bridesmaid Never A Bride

Just like in Good Luck Chuck mixed with 27 Dresses...I seem to have that special something that helps guys find their soul mates ... while conveniently leaving my life entirely.

SUCKS. Or well kind of. Really I'm' FANTASTIC...being single but in the long run I hope I have a big screen romantic story like the movies when I finally meet my match.

I say the above because I can list six guys that are now engaged / married that I was the last person they dated.

I will NOT list them by name but here goes some stories.

My huge infatuation for about 4 years of my life left me (and rightly so) for his current fiance. Saying I needed to work on myself before I could love someone else (again rightly so).

Another long time friend has stopped talking to me in order to be dedicated to his soon to be fiance.

Another guy I dated started giving me the cold shoulder after going on a trip where he met his girl friend that he now spends hundreds of dollars to go see every other week since they are in different parts of the country. So yes...from me to a very serious situation.

In college I had a guy friend confess he liked me but was also interested in another girl. I told him I saw him as a friend and he went for his other crush, who I am happy to say he is now engaged to.

I have had two other guy friends end our friendship because they felt that I was distracting them from their girl friends. NOT TO SAY THAT I AM AT ALL FLIRTATIOUS OR SLEEZY WITH ANYONE'S BOYFRIENDS...because well I'm not. But I don't know what it is, this just happens to me a lot.

I felt it was interesting and wanted to share. Because like I say as much as this is for you, this blog is more for me.

I find myself being pretty damn pissed off at each one of my friends for doing this to me, but another friend brought a silver lining to my child-like pouting...

It wasn't meant to be. For whatever reason, no matter how much I cared / care about each one of these friends, they are not meant to be in my life. They are not the friends I thought they were. Not that they are bad people, it's pretty admirable that they are willing to dedicate themselves to their significant other like that, but it is still saying something about our friendship.

Once again, I'm reminded that my life is out of my control, and in entirely in God's, as it should be. I just need to trust in him and see how he's working in my life rather than push against it.

So since that's six guys, I only have 21 more until I find my prince charming.


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