Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sassy Pants

It's your attitude Kristin. I heard that so many times from my mom. My nickname was 'Tude or bitch (behind my back thank ya) during a season of club volleyball. I've heard once or twice "Oh she got SASS!" from a gentleman or two at the bar. So that word, attitude, has surrounded my life and I'm full of it. And it has inspired this INSPIRING blog post. It's all about attitude ladies and gentlemen. Every morning when I wake up I'm a crabby ass bitch. I glare, frown and give mean looks to everyone from old ladies in my way on the street to stupid stop lights that won't change for me. UNTIL someone who doesn't have an attitude problem wakes me up out of it. Lately, especially today, I was feeling sorry for myself. Everyone at work seems to be taking on bigger roles, training for things, and surpassing me while I'm over in my corner with my Most Improved Award. And actually I didn't get an AWARD, my lead just said that to me once. Fail. Now we all know what that means, you sucked and now you don't suck as much. So while moping to my sad little self I decided to drag my fat ass on a walk. I stomped my stress out. I came back rejuvenated and ready to take on my next event. Then I hear someone else is training for a new role, who started months after me. FUCKINGSHIT. I swear a little raincloud grew over my head when God said. HOLD UP. He reminded me to focus on me ONLY ME and what was happening right now. I had a 75 item event to write up. So I could either pout and be a brat or I can do my damn best. I owned that damn thing. I did a 75 item event in about an hour and 20. I remember back when that'd make me CRY (remember attitude problem). God has His plan for me. I'm not sure what it is, we can safely say it's not to be a really killer copywriter, but there are so many other options for me. I need to trust in Him that He knows best and if I keep striving to follow and do His word I'll be ok. Plus, I am improving (there's that damn word again) and well, I'm not fired. Someone please knock on wood. Another word I want to put into your head is perspective. This came into play was when I decided todance around in my room instead of going to the gym. I was dog tired but there's nothing like Hot n Fun by Boys Noize to get me going. As I was shaking it like Beyonce (remember it's all about your perception) I noticed that it didn't take much to get my thighs to jiggle. Not the good kind. WHOOSH CRASH BANG ANOREXIA!!! My head swirled with not nice words, plans of dieting, cursing the Reeses I had earlier and believing the world was out to get me. And this kids is my disgusting flabby white thigh, unedited I'm sorry to say, to prove my point.
So I went harder, did more lunges to the back of my room away from that damn mirror that spoke nothing but the truth. I turn around and WHOOSH CRASH BANG BOMB. "OH SHIT. I look good." Literally came out of my mouth. WTF MATE? I flexed my leg some more, bent one way, twisted another and got my sausage legs to turn sultry. TA DA!
Oh ok. I get it. It's all in how you look at it. Hating your situation, pouting, whining, all that annoying crap doesn't fix a damn thing. So focus on the positive, speak kindly to yourself and focus on what you have—because no one likes a grumpy pants. <3


  1. First, dang, girl... you must always check that attitude at the door of the office, because I have never known you to be anything but sweet! Either you're good at faking it, you're never bitchy at work or you just love meeeee. ;)
    Second.... after I interviewed at our company, my bff (who's had tons of experience at start-ups and corporate environments) told me to check my ego at the door. She said there would be people younger than me, with less experience, who would get promoted or be given responsibility I wasn't. She said not to let it get to me and just focus on doing MY job to the best of my ability...and if something came up for me, great, but if not, valuable employees are always an asset.
    I'll be damned if that wasn't the best advice EVER. I mean, my lead is 5 years younger than me and the most responsible person on our team is effing barely out of college Kager who's younger than us all (bless her heart). People are training for things all around me, though I am older and have years more writing experience. And I am proud to say I don't give a damn. I work hard at that job and I love it, but quite frankly, I don't see myself there in ten years. I'll be damned if I'm going to take on TONS of extra responsibility for maybe a tiny increase in pay unless it will benefit both me and our company.
    You clearly have come a long way at work, and that's something to be very proud of. Maybe something will come up that's perfect for you. Or, maybe in a year or two your dream job will become available and you'll be qualified for it because of your time at our work. Either way, promise me the wise words of my bff will do you some good! :)
    And as far as body stuff, I am so happy that you put yourself in perspective. If I had your legs, I would never, ever, ever wear pants. True story.

    1. Oh girl you should write my blogs for me, that's kind of what I was getting at, however it never crossed my mind that this should be ok with me. If I'm not the best I'm failing. But today I'm really getting the reality check I need...and he's showing me when the time is right because I don't think I would have accepted it before.

      Thank you so much for sharing! As always you give the best advice. Once again I'm in my own head and never thought about your perspective or anyone else's.

      I could never be mean to you or anyone at work. I think I just get crazy in my head and think the worst of everyone / thing there. That is when i'm in a foul mood! And yes well I do like you a bit haha

      And thanks for your last comment. I burst out laughing and will probably crack up when I see you in the am. You rock and are an inspiration!
