Saturday, April 28, 2012

Well That Was Awkward II

Round two for randomisms...Story of my life moments. These are thoughts that have popped into my head and then I've written down. Some are meant to be funny others are ones you may relate to…
"I should write down the ridiculousness that is my life."

"Open spaces make me want to do cartwheels."

(Looking in mirror after finishing my makeup)"Ok I look pretty good today" (Turn around in mirror) "Oh balls—how long has that been tucked up like that?"

"I wonder if Mama Mia will make sense if I fast forward through the singing parts…"

"I like my big headphones because they are like earmuffs."

"Guys that use umbrellas are adorable."

"Cars that are covered in rain look cooler than ones that aren’t."

"I love watching people run when it's not for sport." (Especially if it's after a bus or person) "Crap. Karma will get me for this."

"Oh they're 22 that's my age…OMG no wait—I'm 24 now."

"This headband looks like I'm showing off my roots, my real hair color on one side and my bleached blonde on the other--Man I need to get my hair done."

"Spilled water looks really good on my pants." (No—not really)

 "I wonder if what I just said was mean? (pause) Oh yup she's glaring. Yup that was mean."

 I cried after a taxi driver asked me if I was on drugs and to make up my fucking mind. I made up my mind and got out of the cab right there...then called my mom.

Random thoughts that actually go through my head be impressed … or feel much better about what's going through yours.

Seriously contemplated licking the maple and brown sugar oatmeal packet. Converstaion with coworker—her: "I just had a fat kid moment." Me (blurting out): "I did this morning I totally drank the rest of the chocolate milk." Her: "I was going to drink that chocolate milk." Me: "Oh."

 It's hard to hear your phone ringing when you're blasting your ring tone from your computer.

 I like to pretend I'm making a music video when I have my headphones on.

 7 am getting off the bus in SoDo my headphone cord got caught on a seat. I got yanked back to come face to face with the oldest Asian woman I've ever seen who gave me a toothless grin and removed me from the chair's handle.

 I pulled out my phone to "like" the song I was listening to — on my phone — that's on a playlist — that I downloaded : YOU CAN'T DO THAT.

 I like it when people say that flowers remind them of me. And also public transportation.

 I thought my gauges looked really cool until my headphone cord got caught in them and I yelped in pain on the lightrail. The very quiet FULL light rail. — even better asking my neighbor to help me get unstuck — I've never been so close to a 32 year old Hispanic man. And never will be again. 


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