Thursday, November 8, 2012

Intensive Out Patient : Smell The Break Room Coffee

So now that I'm back at work (and no, of course I'm not blogging at work) I AM ALWAYS HUNGRY.

This constant hunger reminds me of before treatment. When I would get mad at myself for being hungry because I just ate.

So I had this idea-what if I am always hungry because I am almost always anxious?

If I check in with what's going on emotionally for me I realize all I've been doing is worrying. When will I finish my event, is this any good, did I just make an ass out of myself?

So, I need to apply what I was learning at the center here. Which may seem obvious to some of you but I'm a slow learner sometimes.

So. How many times can I say so? Lord...So, anyway I really need to stay present at work. Not mind read and future trip while I'm writing. Instead of seeing my job as something that creates stress and gives me the opportunity to fail I should flip that around and see it as a blessing, it's a time for me.

I get to be creative, challenge myself and therefore ENJOY myself. I'm still so used to having a clock tick in my ear, hurry up and finish! DO MORE! I'm always rushed and don't stop to talk with my co workers, to take a lunch, to research a product before writing or shit son, just breathe.

Now that I've realized what is happening I'm better able to deal with it.

I feel like I'm not the only one who breezes through a work day not really taking time to enjoy it or to chill.

It's very easy to get caught up in deadlines and things to do, but when you take the time to pause and count your blessings I bet you'll enjoy your day a lot more.

It's almost Friday!

God bless.

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