Friday, November 2, 2012

Treatment Day 49 : Discharge Date

Ok the word discharge is gross.


So today was my last full day at the center. I will still be going THREE times a week for different nutrition, therapy and dinner groups which is great because I'm still in my recovery. It's not like oh welp now I'm normal.

Whatever NORMAL is anyway.

Today was great.

We did a sending ceremony where everyone has to say nice things about me and I got a MEDALLION. Yes it's as cool as it sounds.

Then the day dragged on a bit but was still fun.

We had family group with a questionnaire thing for a panel of therapist, nutritionist and patients. My mom came-she was so cute and got dressed up and put on eye shadow and everything. She asked quite a few questions too. Proud of her.

I said my see you laters to the girls because there is NO WAY I'm not talking to these people again. They are my best friends in a way, they know all of me and love me. I don't want to talk about that now though because I am tired and am rushing through this post so I can lay in bed and read.

Mom and I went to McCormick & Schmick's for dinner and it was AMAZING.
Not only because the food was awesome (I had stuffed shrimp, grilled shrimp, green beans, mashed potatoes and salmon) but because I was able to pick what I WANTED TO EAT.

I didn't try to get the smallest grilled thing on there with no butter on my veg and drink a zillion diet Cokes to fill me up. I ate what I needed to, got full and enjoyed it in the process. My mom and I had a lovely time AND we even went to THE CONTAINER STORE, where my inner Martha Stewart came out and my mom had to bribe me to leave.

I'll write more tomorrow but long story short. I did it. I'm not done by any means but I fucking did it. I was in treatment for the past two months almost nonstop and I struggled, had successes, found myself, watched others grow and LIVED. In my disorder I was numb, deaf, blind and dead inside.

I am so excited for what my life has in store for me now, but that's getting ahead of myself, let's just start with tonight.

God bless.

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