Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Intensive Outpatient : Finding The Good

In the bad.

So, I googled "positive things," "support," "hope," "eating disorder hope when it sucks," today and well all the results sucked. Nothing kicked me into positivooooooo

And well like with most things in my life if I can't find what I want I try and make it. Ok maybe not most things but that's where I get my inspiration for writing copy as well as reporting--what do I want to know?

So I got this BRILLIANT idea (even though my therapist and old sponsor have told me to do it many a times) (but let's just say I thought of it first) to just write a positive bloggy blog. Ok sick I did not just type that. But seriously, something that just tells you the good stuff, the simple stuff, the things that make you smile, or go "oh is ok."

I focus on the negative very well--hey there's something I do well! Ok just kidding but anyway so I am going to really really push to look at what's going right, what I'm enjoying, the good shit.

So here we go:

Pictures are always fun right?

I read this card and couldn't stop laughing:

 I went to Snowflake Lane for a little bit and got to see it snow. Then had sushi with a really good friend who is a big part of my support system. And she's hilarious.

I got these from my man today. I LOVE ROSES especially white ones. I really liked getting them at work so I can show them off. BOO-YA. And because I spend more time there than I do anywhere else.


I had time to craft since I didn't go to the gym...this is a work in progress.

Lastly, I got to hang out with these guys all day (they are my new earrings from Value Village).

At the risk of sounding like a teacher - which isn't necessarily bad - can you find 5 good things that happened today?

Betcha can!

Good night God bless

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