Thursday, December 13, 2012

It's Not What You Look At That Matters's what you see.

I had a really good day.

I woke up with a massive headache at 5:30 AM and my nose was stuffed up and I felt awful.
People have been out sick all week at work so I figured I got something too.
So I for once called in sick to work. Weird, guilty feeling, but I did it! Then passed back out until about 10.

Talked to the man for a bit before he went to bed. Had breakfast etc etc

Then I began to get into the holiday spirit by WRAPPING! I then puff painted each gift for a personalized touch and to save on cards-HA This is the first time I have had to buy my own wrapping paper, I'm so grown up.

Then I sat around and then layed around then watched Netflix while sitting around. MY GOD IT WAS HEAVEN. I haven't had a break, not one day off from planned activity since starting treatment back in September. Today was such a blessing.

I did however have to kind of white knuckle not binging or just staying inside all day. It's very tempting to do when I basically live in my kitchen (I have a studio). But I was able to eat on my meal plan and tell myself "No, we don't do that anymore," every time I wanted to eat excess.

For treatment I have to get my blood tested so I walked 25 minutes to the hospital. On my way I discovered so many places to eat and just how big Seattle U is. I saw quite a few international restaurants too, like the one bellow.

Oh and I ran into a pole while looking at google maps trying to find the place. That was hilarious and humbling and really fucking hurt.

 I got to the hospital place thing only to find that you have to fast for 8 hours before doing blood tests. OH. But at least I went on a walk, ran into a pole (yes that's sarcasm) and got to take cool pictures like this one. This picture reminds me of how much I like how the sky looks just before dark.

On my walk I noticed other little things like a dog waiting anxiously in the window for its owner.

How warm it is for December (which I'm so grateful for).

That every time I see a wreath on a door I can't help but smile.

I also got a surprise call from an old friend in Overeaters Anonymous. I thought she had forgotten about me so I just didn't bother to talk to her-I was wrong.

I went to the gym which was very hard. There were so many girls I kept trying to compare myself to, but I kept my focus on myself and how my body felt rather than what it looked like. But
 I got to watch the news which I love (I don't have  tv at home) so that was nice.

The last thing I did was go to QFC and I bought these babies ...
Which I will put up after I'm done posting this to a Christmas play list courtesy of spotify while I have cinnamon vanilla candles burning. IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY.

 And since I love cleaning I splurged on these. They are ridiculous and totally sexist but I like them so much.

The last thing I'll say about today was that I just got a text from a friend that says she said a prayer for me. It's so nice and helpful to be reminded that I'm loved and worth fighting for.

Good night. God bless. IT'S ALMOST FRIDAY!

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