Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Treatment Day : 10 Grace Kelly Grace Kelly

I don't really want to write. I have so many directions I could go in. So until I figure out the deeper shit I'm just going to tell you the highlights of my day in hopes of:

  1. remembering it's the little things that count
  2. to make you smile
  3. going to bed in a chipper mood.
Having butter on my English muffin and NOT dying.

The girls saying I'd be a fun girlfriend - yes guys this lady is single.

Learning to crochet in art (or well how to make a knotted mess with a stick)

My nutritionist telling me I've LOST weight since coming in. (WHAT THE HELL. I am eating way more and moving much less...I'm inclined to not believe her...but why would she lie? Also, it makes me happy that I listened to them and am getting happier and not ballooning out like I KNEW I would)

Rediscovering Michael Jackson via spotify.

My mom saying she'll take me to my friend's baby shower.

Sharing this video with my group.

Randomly saying "my little croissant" and "Grace Kelly" all day.

Doing yoga and feeling damn sexy doing it.

Finding out that rice isn't as scary as I thought and pretending that my broccoli at dinner were trees and I was a giant.

Getting out of treatment late and racing my bus to the bus stop as it was stuck in traffic. Meaning that everyone on the bus was staring at me run uphill with my backpack to the stop. I was so excited I caught it that I ran into a woman getting off. When trying to find an open seat I hit a homeless man in the nose as we turned the corner and I lost my balance.
ME: "OMG did I hit your eye?"
MAN: "No, my nose."
ME: "Oh, well your eye...s are red." Awkward pause - let it sink in - "Ohhh. Sorry."

Going to the gym and watching as much trashy tv as I could handle aka 38 minutes. Blake and Ryan Reynolds are going to have some hot kids. I'm so happy the Twilight kids are getting back together.

Making an ass out of myself in front of this guy that I'm 97% isn't a douche bag.

Happily swinging my lanyard around after getting into my place only to be jerked back because it got stuck on the outside handle.

Showering with my new shower head - that sounds weird.

And now it's bed time.

Goodnight. God bless.

Girl work that up-do.

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