Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Treatment: Day Dos

We are mad and we don't know why which makes us more mad.
We have a headache because our body isn't used to eating normally.
We are exhausted because we just got home and left 12 hours ago.
We are upset because there's no where to hide all our weird habits and our intense feelings anymore. Everyone in treatment knows what we are going through because they feel the same exact way which is both fucking annoying to be analyzed and so comforting to not have to explain ourselves.
We ate beans, full fat cheese and a shit ton of carbs that we wish we hadn't but we did because supposedly we are brave.
We met out counselor today and felt stupid for not knowing how to put everything into words. We also had a fight with one of the counselors because she wouldn't let me sit in a certain position and because she wouldn't let us say we felt fat and hate food. They are taking all the fun out of it.
We are eating our night snack (which is ordered) and we don't want to and we are going to bed without working out and we feel worthless and fat.

We're going to watch Elf, because Christmas makes us happy.


Kris and her eating disorder

PS I'm thankful you're reading this and for your support.


  1. Good job Kris, keep it up. When we met I was afraid you were normal. Whew, dodged a bullet there. Thanks for being interesting.

  2. Haha thanks Kyle :)

    I'm not surprised I came off as normal with my pink fuzzies and odd dancing.

    You totally looked like every other Joe with your sparkly shorts.

    Hope you're well!
