Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Treatment Day 17: “May the bridges I burn light the way.”

I met this guy in early spring. It was by chance and honestly quite a cute story.
I went out to Fremont with friends and was just there to shake it and be with my girls.
We met up with our friends and he was with them, just visiting from out of state. He was tall, dark and handsome and then he said the words that got me hooked—that he was religious and was waiting til marriage to sleep with someone again.
At the end of the night we exchanged numbers and ended up talking and getting along really well for being complete strangers. So much so I planned to fly out to see him where he was based, he's in the military. Well the date I had set wasn't soon enough for me so I planned another trip and off I went.
Things once again went surprisingly well when I was there. I started to believe in good guys again, I started to trust.
After my trip I came home smitten.
Long story short—he stopped talking to me.
My confidence was shot. I was confused. What had I done? What was wrong with me? Why does this keep happening? I thought I was being smart too. I didn't get attached but well it still hurt, especially when I thought I had found a gentleman, someone with faith and someone who actually liked me for me.
As you can assume that second trip was cancelled. Now I had credit for another flight with no where to go.
So I planned a trip to see my Granny and Tia and Aunt Mary in Florida in October.
That trip also fell through because I'm in treatment and can't take more time off from work. Again, I cancelled the trip and had a significant amount of miles to use.
Then my granny passed two days ago.
My mom and I frantically looked for cheap flights—so such luck. Southwest doesn't even fly into Tallahassee. I was beginning to stress. I had a day to book a flight that wasn't a grand.
Then I remembered my miles, and even though my mom said American Airlines was awful I felt compulsed to call them.
It worked out wonderfully. I got seats for my mom, brother and I on the same flight for half the price that was online because of a compassion fare.
So, what I'm getting at is that He works in mysterious ways and even though you can't see why shitty things happen while in the shit of it there's always a reason and He's always working.
If I hadn't met that guy, been swept off my feet then firmly dropped on them, I wouldn't have booked any flights, I wouldn't have thought to call AA and I wouldn't be able to afford to go to my Granny's funeral.
It may be a stretch , but shit it gives me peace and I need some of that right now.

“May the bridges I burn light the way.” 

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