Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Treatment : Day THREEEEEE FOR ME

I don't know why I put the 'three for me' other than that's what I automatically say because of Kings.
Hmm look what I learned in high school.

So I'm chipper today. Well compared to the past two days that is.

So today at "work" I:

Had a fit on my way to the bus, missed the bus, was sweating and didn't want to take my coat off because I just KNEW EVERYONE was looking at me. Calling me fat. Because I am.

I got to "work" and this girl was chewing gum. Which A. we are not allowed to do and B. is fucking annoying because she was smacking her lips. I couldn't control my rage so I sat outside the door reading an inspirational book but not really I was just cursing her out. I didn't have the guts to bring it up to her in person so I tattled. HA!

Then it was breakfast time. That was ok. Minus that my swiss cheese looked like straight up FAT. ugh.

Then I had individual counseling ... THANK GOD. I got everything out from how I'm ashamed to be a bulimic in front of all these anorexics so now my anorexic mindset is kicking in. How I hate not being able to stand or walk. How I don't know what I'm feeling which makes me more pissed off. And about how I'm actually happy I'm there. For the first time I'm slightly open to the food as a good thing rather than a way to hurt myself or the enemy.

Then I went to art class! Yes, yes it is like an old people's home. I did a collage and it's awesome. It's of a rainbow and a bed. Totes artistic.

I had squash soup with chicken and carrots and orange and cheese stick for lunch ALL ORANGE FOOD. I spilled half of the soup on myself because I'm really classy so I had to eat Wheat Things to make up for it.

Then some other shit happened that I don't really remember. Took a personality test asking me just how much I hated myself basically. I think I passed that fucker.

We did a work group on how to deal with those feeewlings I have. I kind of listened.

And yea. Dinner happened. Salmon. Brussel sprouts. And pesto with noodles (whch I never eat. I made the mistake of checking the carb count at the grocery store. Now I'm rather mad I ate that much.)

Then we did some other shit and left.

I bussed it home. went to the gym in downtown Seattle which is awesome because it was empty, has BRAVO and E! and it's right next to my bus stop!

Now I'm home. I am supposed to eat a fruit and a protein. I'm going to eat green beans instead.

Progress not perfection.

Oh and you're supposed to not have electronics on 30 minutes or so before you sleep. Too bad I'm facebooking, doing this, on my phone and dubstepping it haha

you all are just ruining my sleep habits ;)

Good night. God bless - Kris

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