Saturday, October 6, 2012

Treatment Day 23 : Girly Things

Shooo. I might have forgotten that today is Saturday-imagine that, doing the same thing everyday makes you lose track of time.


Fack. I didn't.

So since today is Saturday, the buses run every 30 minutes. Not ten. Whoops a daisy! hahahaha What movie is that from...the one with the guy and the girl in the romantic-Notting Hill!

Oh girly things.

Romantic comedies. Dancing in my room alone to Excision. Today we get our nails done as our once every two week outing aka I GET OUT OF TREATMENT ONCE EVERY 14 DAYS for 3 whole hours.

Whatever, I'll take it.

Tonight I'm going dancing. Fuck eating disorders tonight-I just want to dance.

I'm going to put on makeup, something alluring (or comfortable...we'll deal with that when we get there) and polish off my dancing shoes. Because we both know they never come off.

Plus I got my toenails done earlier today at treatment. It's their consolation prize for us spending our entire weekend here. I had to pay $5 for my pedi-it's not like I pay them hundreds a day to be here-HA. I got bright orange.

It was overwhelming picking. So many to choose from. It reminded me of food.

I'm now not afraid of foods but I don't know how to pick what I want. I used to chose by how many calories something was or if it was fattening or if it had bread it was out of the question.

Now I can eat everything. And I can't tell you why but that's scary as fuck.

I'll get there though.

So yes looking forward to tonight, being "normal" and just having a good time dancing.

Make smart decisions people.
Be kind to yourself.
God bless.

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