Monday, October 1, 2012

Treatment : On Pause IV

Right? Or is it VI? No IV.


It's midnight and no one will read this hanyvay.

I just got home from Tallahassee.

I am trying to surround myself with positive things and here they are:

  • incense 
  • sweat pants (ex boyfriend's)
  • water
  • roses
  • Pineapple Express
  • an unpacked suitcase 
  • blogging
  • in my new sexy FSU shirt - go noles
  • listening to Shawn McDonald

So as I reflect in the happiest place possible:

Did you know that if you get a cab from SeaTac to Harvard & Melrose it's $43 bucks? And if you tip the nice family man cabby it's $48? Well yes you probably knew the latter...

So I journaled the shit out of myself on the plane, and watched What to Expect When You're Expecting-meh-and this is what I got for you.

I wish my granny's memorial would have gone better. I binged and purged twice ... sooooo don't have a handle on that.

I was very distant from my family, without knowing it until it was brought to my attention.
Oh. Opps.

I did really well at every meal (minus of course when I snuck ate food).

I was very present and helpful during the memorial. I even spoke.

God I don't even want to write this out I'm sick of analyzing.


That's the most important part. The bolded part. That's why I bolded it.

I'm no where near healthy but I'm better than I was weeks ago.

XOX Good night.

PS It's almost OCTOBER!!

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