Thursday, October 25, 2012

Treatment Day 41 : I Am A Giraffe

No. Like seriously.

That's what I am dressing up as for Freaknight. And I'm really stinkin' proud of myself.

I've turned what was a joke in high school (and probably college) into my costume.

I saw those puppies at Value Village (my new Nordstrom-yes Nordstrom not NordstromS people) and a work of art was born! Haha or a lot of puff paint on cloth.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder kids.

So after finding the horn ear thing I had to figure out how to make this concept work.

I came up with getting very thick fake eyelashes, since well, they have big eyelashes.

Black gloves (my hooves?) - these may be thrown off in a fit of rage (aka dancing) the night of.

A strapless nude bra that I puff painted perfectly. Almost.

And this bottom half of a tee shirt that I got at yes you guessed it, Value Village.
I had to paint the "skirt" in my bathroom  (as you most likely noticed) to get both sides done on time. There's a newspaper in the middle because the paint was soaking through. Opps. Also, this is not the finished product.

Oh yes and I'm using patio paint on the skirt, because I ran out of puff paint.

I must remember to get more bronze / gold puff paint before Christmas or else my decorations will suffer.

The most interesting part will be my makeup.

I have a friend who doesn't look like a drag queen when she puts on eye shadow (that's usually what I end up looking like if left to my own devices) and is willing to help me out.

I'm thinking of painting my nose and sides of my face and have it trace down my neck and chest to my bra.


Let's hope so.

And let's also hope that the eye shadow / eyeliner I bought to put on my bod and face doesn't sweat off and look like I rubbed my face in mud while I'm dancing.

And if it does-who cares? I paid $90 bucks to see Noisia, Laidback Luke, Morgan Page, Bingo Players, Dada Life and Flux oh and ARMIN VAN BUUREN just to worry about my make up.

Happy Halloween kids!

Oh PS my treatment team said it is now their recommendation that I stay another week on top of the week I've already done. I think I should listen to them. ;)

Thank you so much for your support!

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